R4 WebDev 50 Question Selftest with Answers

created by Ashley Bass

  1. What types of things cannot go into an About document?
    1. Fields
    2. Navigators
    3. Images
    4. tables

  2. Navigators are best used for :
    1. Pages with infrequent needs for change
    2. Pages with frequent needs for change

  3. What can you do with Domino URLs in links ?
    1. Open objects (servers,databases,views,forms,navigators,agents,documents,image files,attachemtns,OLE objects)
    2. Create search queries
    3. Edit and delete existing docs

  4. Which of the following is not a good reference in a Domino URL link:
    1. Object name
    2. NoteID
    3. Universal ID (UnID)

  5. While the server will display Notes docs with images in format of the following, only one format will be shipped to the web. Which format is it?
    1. Metafile
    2. Bitmap

  6. What are the REQS for running and testing your web sites:
    1. Notes Workstation
    2. Notes Server w/ HTTP running
    3. TCP/IP protocol

  7. Which of the following are used to hide a para from WEB users?
    1. @Contains(@userroles ; "$$WebClient" )
    2. @isMember( "$$WebClient" ; @userroles )
    3. !@Contains(@userroles ; "$$WebClient" )
    4. @isNotMember( "$$WebClient" ; @userroles )

  8. Which of the following are used to hide a para from NOTES users?
    1. @Contains(@userroles ; "$$WebClient" )
    2. @isMember( "$$WebClient" ; @userroles )
    3. !@Contains(@userroles ; "$$WebClient" )
    4. @isNotMember( "$$WebClient" ; @userroles )

  9. Which of the following formulas is valid for a subform display dependent upon web or notes use?
    1. IsWebClient:=@IsMember("$$WebClient";@UserRoles);
    2. @If(@IsMember("$$WebClient";@UserRoles);"WebSubform";"NotesSubform")

  10. Which of the following are valid ways to format a notes doc so that it appears on the web as columns?
    1. Use tables to create the columnar layout
    2. Use mulitple spaces in a monospaced font to create the columnar layout
    3. Use a view

  11. Which of the following are not translated by notes to HTML?
    1. Interline spacing
    2. Interpara spacing
    3. Indentation
    4. Tab characters
    5. Multiple spaces in a true-type font

  12. A notes document has as its font HELV and its point size 12. What HTML tag represents the web translation?
    1. <H1></H1>
    2. <H2></H2>
    3. <FONT size=3></FONT>
    4. <FONT size=4></FONT>

  13. Why does Notes default to HELV 10 as its editing font?
    1. HELV 10 translates to the default font size for web browsers
    2. HELV 10 is the recognized standard font in business correspondence
    3. HELV 10 is large enough to see clearly without crowding the browser window

  14. Which of the following are valid ways to manually incorportate HTML code into a notes document?
    1. Place the HTML code in square brackets
    2. Place the HTML code in a paragraph which uses a style named HTML.
    3. Place the HTML code in a text field named HTML
    4. Import the HTML code into a text field named HTML
    5. Place the HTML code in a rich text field named HTML
    6. Import the HTML code into a rich text field named HTML

  15. A form has a field named PASSTHRU, a field named HTML, and a field named OPENURL.
    In a web browser, you will see the contents of
    1. The PASSTHRU field
    2. The HTML field
    3. The OPENURL field
    4. All the fields

  16. For at notes table to translate to a borderless HTML table, the notes table must at a minimum
    1. Have borders turned off for all cells
    2. Have borders turned off for the outside of the table
    3. Have borders turned off for the top left cell
    4. Have the top and left border turned off for the table

  17. Elements that translate from notes 4.5 tables to web tables include
    1. Cell colors
    2. table border
    3. Left/Right/Center cell text alignment
    4. Merged cells

  18. Which of the following will add a graphical background image to a browser-viewed Notes doc?
    1. While in design mode, copy an image to the clipboard and
      paste it into the doc via the background tab of its properties box
    2. While in design mode, place
      [<BODY background="imagename">]

      as static text in doc's form.
    3. While in design mode, import the image into the top left corner of the doc's form.
    4. While in edit mode, place
      [<BODY background="imagename">]
      in any text field of a doc.

  19. Domino supports transparency in GIF files if they are
    1. Imported into a document
    2. Pasted into a document
    3. Attached to a document
    4. Referenced via passthru HTML

  20. Domino supports animation in GIF files if they are
    1. Imported into a document
    2. Pasted into a document
    3. Attached to a document
    4. Referenced via passthru HTML

  21. To use Domino for the web, you must
    1. be configured to use TCP/IP
    2. maintain a constant connection to intranet or internet

  22. Which of the following are true of subforms?
    1. Subforms inherit the backgrounds of their parent forms
    2. The formula @if(isMember("$$WebClient"; @userroles); "SubformName"; "")
      will show a subform only for web viewers
    3. Subforms are a way to insert consistent headers/footers/banners into web content

  23. Which of these files enables users to view or launch Domino file attachments automatically from Web pages?
    1. Win.ini
    2. Reg.dat
    3. Httpd.cnf
    4. Notes.ini

  24. In which file can you specify that Domino's default directory listing displays the size in bytes for each folder?
    1. Win.ini
    2. Reg.dat
    3. Httpd.cnf
    4. Notes.ini

  25. Notes functions can be made available to Web users:
    1. As actions on view and form action bars
    2. As action hotspots anywhere in a document or form
    3. As HTML links anywhere in a document or form
    4. As menu command
    5. As Button hotspots

  26. Actions provide the web browser with its only method of :
    1. Deleting a doc
    2. Moving a doc to a folder
    3. Opening an existing doc in edit mode
    4. Creating a new doc
    5. Renaming a doc

  27. Domino translates actions to HTML if they are:
    1. Default actions
    2. Simple actions
    3. Actions defined by the @function/@command language
    4. Actions defined by lotusScript

  28. Which of the following actions will work only in a web-based form?
    1. @command([compose]; "formname")
    2. @command([EditDocument])
    3. @comand([EditClear])

  29. Which of the following Notes form fields will translate to the HTML tag <TEXTAREA></TEXTAREA>?
    1. A text field
    2. A rich text field
    3. A keyword list

  30. Which of the following Notes form fields is will translate to a multiline web-based form field?
    1. A text field
    2. A rich text field
    3. A keyword list

  31. Which of the following statements are true of Notes rich text fields?
    1. Web users can insert their own HTML into them with square bracket notation
    2. They translate to multiline textarea web-based form fields
    3. They can inherit data from a parent doc if included in a response document
    4. The web-based form field will allow 15 lines of text before needing to scroll if
      is placed in the Help Description field of the field's property dialog box

  32. Which of the following is the best way to make a web-based form's keyword list appear as a listbox instead of as a dropdown listbox?
    1. Change the field's ListType property in Notes design from "List" to "Combo"
    2. In Notes design view use
      as passthru HTML above the field
    3. In Notes design view use
      as passthru HTML in the Help Description field of the field's property dialog box

  33. Which of the following is the default wrap setting for web-based editable text fields?
    1. Wrap=off
    2. Wrap=on
    3. Wrap=virtual
    4. Wrap=discrecionary

  34. Which of the followng web-based form features does Domino autmatically create for you?
    1. Submit button
    2. Reset button
    3. Form Response message page

  35. In which of the following fields can you specify your own web-based form
    Response Message HTML tags and text?
    1. $$Return
    2. $$ViewList
    3. $$Response
    4. $$HTMLHead

  36. What @command is required in the custom web-based form Response Message field?
    1. @Return
    2. @ViewList
    3. @Response
    4. @HTMLHead

  37. Which of the following is used to load an external web page in place of Domino's web form Response Message?
    1. An @URLOpen command in the Submit button's Help Description field
    2. A $$Response field containing
    3. A $$Return field containing
    4. "[http://hostname/pagename]"

  38. Which of the following view column properties are supported in web use?
    1. Click column header to sort
    2. Collasped/Expanded categories
    3. Resizable columns
    4. Show (/hide) twisties when row is expanded

  39. Which of the following view properties are supported in web use?
    1. Calendar-style views
    2. Folders
    3. Multiline column headings
    4. Multiline rows
    5. Style options for unread and alternating rows

  40. Which of the following are explicit commands?
    1. ?open
    2. ?openDataFile
    3. ?openView
    4. ?edit

  41. Which of the following is used to require any web users to supply a user ID and password to access your site?
    1. &Login
    2. ?Login
    3. $Login
    4. $$Login

  42. Arguments in a Domino URL are separated by what character:
    1. &
    2. ?
    3. $
    4. $$

  43. Which of the following are ways to require web users to supply a user ID and password to access your site?
    1. Appending the Login argument to the end of a Domino URL
    2. Creating an Anonymous group in the ACL and setting its access level to No Access
    3. Creating an Anonymous group in the ACL and setting the Database's Default access level to No Access

  44. Which of the following Database Launch properties is not supported on the Web?
    1. Launch 1st attachment in "About Database"
    2. Launch 1st doclink in "About Database"
    3. Open "About Database" document
    4. Open designated navigator

  45. Which of the following are reserved fields for use on web-based forms:
    1. $$viewBody
    2. $$viewList
    3. $$navigatorBody
    4. $$return
    5. $$HTMLHead

  46. Which of the following are reserved form names for use as web-based forms?
    1. $$viewTemplateDefault
    2. $$navigatorTemplateDefault
    3. $$searchTemplateDefault
    4. $$formTemplateDefault

  47. Which of the following can be used to customize the appearance of a form called "DataEntry" for web use?
    1. $$viewDefaultTemplate
    2. $$viewDefalutTempate for DataEntry
    3. $$formDefaultTemplate
    4. $$formDefaultTemplate for DataEntry

  48. What error number is returned to your browser when the Internet server could not get the proper username and password from the Web Navigator?
    1. 401
    2. 403
    3. 404
    4. 500

  49. What error number is returned to your browser when you are requesting access to a page for which you do not have access rights. ?
    1. 401
    2. 403
    3. 404
    4. 500

  50. What error number is returned to your browser when you are requesting access to a page for which you do not have access rights. ?
    1. 401
    2. 403
    3. 404
    4. 500

  51. What error number is returned to your browser when the document you have requested does not exist any more or the URL you entered is incorrect?
    1. 401
    2. 403
    3. 404
    4. 500

  52. What error number is returned to your browser when the Internet server was unable to send the page to the Web Navigator because of an error on the Internet server?
    1. 401
    2. 403
    3. 404
    4. 500

  53. Which of the following HTML features does Domino support as passthru HTML?
    1. <Frameset arguments> </Frameset>
    2. <I> </I>
    3. <img src="filename">
    4. <Font color="blue"> </Font>